Special Day 4 : Aomine Daiki's Birthday

Yay, happy dim day!!!! XD
Ooh, wrong words!! (sorry, Ao-kun)

Happy birthday, Ao-kun!!!! XD
Wish you all the best, ne?
But really, is it just me or you become darker with each new chapter in Kurobas? :P (Aomine: Shut up!!)

Oh, because you are one of my fav chara in Kurobas, I'll give you special present!!
How about....Kuro-kun with special outfit?
I'll send the costumes too....let's see...maid, cat....what else do you want, Ao-kun? (Aomine: \\\\\\\ *nosebleed)

Well, I must capture Kuroko-kun first.
See ya, then :D

Once again, HAPPY DIM DAY!!!! XD

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 26

Day 26. Who would you marry if s/he was real?

Until now, I can't decided between Kuroko Tetsuya and Akashi Seijuro.
I love them both so muuuuch ;___;

But so far.....(and following my fanfic)
I do choose Akashi Seijuro....

But I love Kuroko Tetsuya too!!! >___<

(it's not coming to the end @_@)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 25

Day 25. Which character(s)’s personality do you find annoying?

Makoto Hanamiya (and all members of Kirisaki Daiichi High school's bascketball club), Tsugawa Tomoki, Haizaki Shogo, Mibuchi Reo (because he called *my* Akashi, "Sei-chan"!!! >__<), Imayoshi Shoichi, Hayakawa Mitsuhiro, Kise Ryouta (sorry -.-"), Aomine Daiki (when he's in Touo High)......

that's all, I guess?

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 24

Day 24. Which character(s)’s personality do you find adorable?

Kuroko Tetsuya, Hyuuga Junpei, Sakurai Ryou.... (wait, are that all an "U"?)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 23

Day 23. Which character(s) do you find to be closely related to yourself?

Hara...this is...so random -___-"

I can't see anyone who is closely related to myself.
I mean...I am me! hehehe (sorry, -.-")

But...little details as always :
Kuroko Tetsuya : unnoticed (just a little, mind you), love vanilla milkshake and basketball, hate to give up, like to keep what I think by myself
Aomine Daiki : hmm....my friends said that my expression whenever I play basketball or do some sport is similiar to Aomine when he's still in Teikou (really? O__o)
Kise Ryouta : hmmm....the feeling of want to try again? when he lost to Aomine in Teikou, he kept asking to rematch, right? Well, in some sense, it's similar to my stubborness. :P
Midorima Shintarou : my little brother said that I'm Tsundere, like Midorima...... (once again, really? O__o)
Murasakibara Atsushi : like him, I love sweets!! XD and I can eat as many as I want without getting fat ^O^

So, only Akashi that I don't have any similarity with?

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 22

Day 22. Your least favourite OTP(s)?


How to answer this? O__O

I don't really dislike any OTP, since...well, everyone has her/his favorite right?

If must pick...

> Everyone x Kise Ryouta (I can't see any sense in this OTP -__-")
> Kise Ryouta x Kuroko Tetsuya (in which Kuroko also loves him...for me, just no)
> Everyone x Akashi Seijuro (How can Akashi become "U"?! He's a sadist, for basket's damn sake!!)

Very sorry for all the other fans!! >__<
I know some of you really love OTPs that I just mentioned, but...well, it's just my opinion, okay?
I don't really hate these OTPs. Peace? :)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 21

Warning : Don't read if you want to stay "normal"! >__<

Day 21. Your favourite OTP(s)?

Oh~ Finally this question!!

I'll answer this happily!! <3

> Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya
> Kagami Taiga x Kuroko Tetsuya
> Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuya
> Kiyoshi Teppei x Hyuuga Junpei
> Generation of Miracle x Kuroko Tetsuya (c'mon, you don't expect that I'll say it one by one, right?)
> Midorima Shintarou x Takao Kazunari (don't care who is "S" and "U", they're hilarious. That's all)
> Wakamatsu Kosuke x Sakurai Ryou

I guess that's all!! XD

Wait a second....don't tell me...all that I wrote are....
well, you've been warned :P

P.S : sorry, I don't notice that Day 21 has 2 questions. So...it's a little late :)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 21

Day 21. Who is/are your least favourite Generation of Miracles character(s)?

Hmm...hard to answer, indeed.
Well, if I must pick, Kise Ryouta and Murasakibara Atsushi, and maybe the Touo Aomine Daiki.

> Kise Ryouta
Like what I mentioned in previous post, I just love his skill, no more no less.

> Murasakibara Atsushi
I dislike how he's doing something just because he's genius at that field and badmouthing other people that are trying. Boy, some of us are trying so hard to being good in the field that we love.

> Aomine Daiki (Touo's version)
This Aomine too cold...too arrogant. I dislike how he's looking down at everyone.-__-
And he's mean at (my) Kuroko!!! X( *warn-angst)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 20

Day 20. Who is/are your favourite Generation of Miracles character(s)?

This question!!! (hyperbole in here)
Hmm....almost all members of GoM are my favorite.
But....I'll explain it in my own way.

The sixth of my favorite is Kise Ryota.
Eer...I really apologize to all Kise's fans....but I don't think I find him...attractive?
I do love his skill, "Perfect Copy", since I've been training that skill of mine ("The Perfect Copy of Art", lame?).
But just that...no more no less. =___= gomen

The fifth of my favorite is Murasakibara Atsushi.
To me, he's just a big kid with a few screw loose.
Pixiv artists success made me think he's cute especially if it concerns food/sweet.
But just that....he's too....weird? Yet if I ever meet him, I'm kinda sure that both of us will get along. I mean, I can imagine he's eating snack silently (maybe), while I'm taking nap or reading some manga. Yup, definitely will get along well.

The fourth of my favorite is Midorima Shintaro.
The reason he became one of my favorite is....he is the true TSUNDERE!!
It's hilarious to watch him...especially if he's with Takao. Now that's a good show, hahaha.
And beside that, his skill is almost similiar to mine too. I'm 3-point shooter, after all.
(note: don't know why, my brother keeps telling me that I'm tsundere too.. >__<" yet, I don't see I'll get along with Midorima -__-")

The third of my favorites is Aomine Daiki!
Well, more specifically I like him when he's still in Teikou.
Innocent Aomine.. *nosebleed
Not to mention he's so cool and his play is awesome!! I wish I can play his basketball style TT-TT
And not forget to mention he's HOT, his abs... *nosebleed

Now....for the second and the first....I actually can't pick between Kuroko Tetsuya and Akashi Seijuroo. I love them both!!! <3 >__<
In my heart and mind, both of them are in the first place.... -.-

But let's continue with the details.

> Akashi Seijuroo
He's what you called a psychopath. C'mon, it's weird enough he can order people around without problem...but he's also try to stab people randomly with scissors! Normally, I dislike character that has a sadist or psycho character. But for Akashi, he is an exception.
I am curious and interested about him. He has this mysterious aura around him. Can I say I feel some thrill.....whenever I see him in manga? And...he's also SEXY.

> Kuroko Tetsuya
He is.....I can't explain anything about him. From one point, I think he's cute, innocent, uke, and can say some cute/embarrassing stuff easily. Yet at the other point, I think he's cool, dependable, polite, and know how to treat a girl properly. How can you don't fall in love with this boy?! Even though I don't really like a silent type, he's somewhat.....interesting to spend time with.

So..there you have it. 

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 19

Day 19. Who is/are your least favourite female character(s)?

I don't particulary dislike any of female characters in Kurobas. But if I must choose...
Kise's girlfriend in chapter 172? She's annoying as hell!! What a *****! >__<
(sorry for the lack of word -___-")

I guess just that.

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 18

Day 18. Who is/are your favourite female character(s)?

Hmm? Female character(s)?
You do realize that there're only 4 female characters in Kurobas, right?
How I'm supposed to pick one or some? -___-"

If by order :
1. Momoi Satsuki
2. Alexandra Garcia
3. Aida Riko
4. Araki Masako

That's all :D

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Special Chapter in my Life

Before I start this, I should explain a few things.
Yes, it's about that "troublesome boy" again.
Yes, in my last post about him, I said that I already get over him.
Honestly, even in my holiday there's no single day where I'm thinking about him. I forget him, okay?
But it happened....

So...it happened two nights ago.
I had a nightmare + nice dream. Confuse? So am I.
But suddenly, I (me in the dream) stood in a room/place where all in white color. Beside that....nothing.
Just when I thought this's just some silly dream, 'he' appeared in that room.
The strange things were he's shorter than me (if I remember correctly, he's more taller) and he's smiling!
I was surprised? Yes, I was.
Don't know why, I ask 'him' , "So, you're not mad at me anymore?"
Then he laughed....yes, he LAUGHED! He  said, "Nah, what are you talking about?"

And so both of us were talking, laughing, and joking (while keep standing) like two best friends that just met after a long time. There's no romantic feeling. It's really enjoyable.

Finally, I woke up.
And the first thing I do was smile.
I want to believe....that he's already forgive me. That if we can meet again (that is if I want to attend middle school reunion), we can talk like a friend. :)

I really want to believe that.

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 17

Day 17. Who is/are your least favourite male character(s)?

Before, I'm not sure if I can answer this question...but when I re-read all chapters, I found who I dislike.
Hmm, first of all vveryone from Kirisaki Daiichi team and Haisaki Shogo , they are very rough, I don't like their way of talk too.
Second....Mibuchi Reo....I mean..c'mon, he's so scary! in many way.. -___-" and what the h**l, he called Akashi "Sei-chan"?! O_o
Third....Hayakawa Mitsuhiro and Tsugawa Tomoki...one word...they're very LOUD! I dislike their character -____-" do you guys need to shout out at every person's face? =____=

I guess that's all :D

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 16

Day 16. Who is/are your favourite male character(s)?

You know...this question is soooo.....wrong in many way.
Since I bet it'll become such a loooooooooong list -___-
Anyway, it doesn't mean I dislike it :D
Let's answer this! :)

My favorite male characters? In Kurobas?
1. Kuroko Tetsuya
2. Akashi Seijuro
3. Aomine Daiki
4. Kasamatsu Yukio
5. Kagami Taiga
6. Takao Kazunari
7. Himuro Tatsuya
8. Hayama Kotaro
9. Midorima Shintaro (just because he's weirdo, hahaha)
10. Tetsuya #2 (Kyaaa, nigou!! XD <------- says person who scared to dogs -__-")
11. Kiyoshi Teppei
12. Hyuga Junpei
13. Otsubo Taisuke
14. Sakurai Ryo
15. Wakamatsu Kosuke
16. Murasakibara Atsushi
Lastly, Kise Ryota! (Kise : Why I'm the last one?!! TT-TT)

Oh, just 17?
Well, so far this is my favorite male characters. Maybe later I'll add more, hehehe

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 15

Day 15. What would you like to say to the mangaka, Fujimaki Tadatoshi, if you get to meet him?

If I get to meet him?
First of all, I'll say.....
"Fujimaki Tadatoshi-san, you're a genius!!! XD
It's really a cool manga!!"

And then,
"But I've to ask you, is it really your intentional to give MANY hints of shonen-ai inside the story? No, I don't dislike it...*uhuk I love it *uhuk....and....I can't help but wondering....how come Kuroko is more cute than a normal girl? I love it him very much, but...how come his skin is more bright and smooth than a girl? -__-" "

"Anyway, thank you for creating this manga for us, especially for the fangirls. Thank you for creating such wonderful+sexy+hot+cool+handsome+...etc characters for us. No kidding, I love to kidnap one of your characters. :P Please continue this amazing story! (*uhuk in many ways *uhuk)"

Now that's what I'm gonna say to him :)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 14

Day 14. How do you show your love to Kurobas? (Graphics? Drawings? Fanfictions? Etc.)

How I show it? Hmm....
I do write some Kurobas fanfictions in my laptop and my head, I do draw Kurobas in my sktechbook (although it's just Kuroko and Akashi :P), I do collect all Kurobas great picture from Pixiv, I do search Kurobas official merchandises, I do order Kurobas fanbook (to the point I almost had a fight with the bookstore worker -___-"), I do search for Kurobas light novel (to the point I consider to order it from eBay), sometimes I buy some Kurobas fanwork from events like Popcon Asia or AFA ID, I do search all Kurobas fancomic/doujinshi (Aokuro/Akakuro/Kagakuro/MiragenKuro) from internet (as far as I emailed some people to give me the scans).....

I think I'll stop my answer.....it'll become very long, no doubt.
Anyway, you get what I mean, don't you? :)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 13

Day 13. What do you like/dislike about Kurobas fandom?

Hmm...let's see...how I'm supposed to answer this...

Since I predict that my "Like" will has many....I mean, MANY things to say, let's start with "Dislike" first

Dislike, huh?
So far, I don't really dislike anything from Kurobas fandom.
What to dislike? Really....

I must say I should thank all Kurobas fandom. Because of them, I'm becoming obsessed with this series.
Especially the artists at Pixiv, they all are my inspiration (of Kurobas).
People celebrate a certain character's birthday, when there's event like Shadow Trickster or Comiket = many artists draw many beautifull doujin for other fans (*ehm pairing *ehm).
And not to forget to mention, they're nice. :D

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So...this evening....I had a fight (again) with my father...
Seriously....this is so becoming....

The reason(s) of fight:
1. I bought some food and....he complained...
2. I ask to buy a new basketball, since my old one already past of broken....and I haven't got my birthday present....but no.....he said that just fix my old one or something

Cool......now what to do with my headache? =_______=

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 12

Day 12. Did you like basketball or sports genre anime before Kurobas?

Wait a second, which one do you ask actually? The basketball sport or sport genre anime?
Oh well, whatever....

For basketball (sport),
Yup, I like it! No, scratch that......I love it!!! 
I love this sport, beside swimming, running, surfing, and softball. :D
I used to play as 3-point-shooter, sometimes as defender (suprising, right?)
My coach and friends sometimes ask me to join basketball club in my college, but unfortunely I can't. Since my study is really full -____-"

For sports genre anime,
before Kurobas, I like to read Slam Dunk and Cross Over (both about basketball too)
then....Kurobas came into my life....and I love it!! XD

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Me : Why people seem don't understand about me? I mean....is it really that hard to knowing me?

Mom : It's true they are still not seeing you yet.......but I think you are at fault too

Me : Huh? Me? How so?

Mom : Try to be more honest with other people. Say what you want without hurting other people, express yourself without worrying about what other people say. Don't shut yourself away from people.

Me : Don't blame me.....blame my past, will ya?

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 11

Day 11. Which part of Kurobas will you change if you have the ability to?

Are you sure you're asking this to us, especially fangirl?
Hmm....sorry but I won't answer this question.

If you happened to be the same 'type' of fangirl like me, you'll know my answer.

Short answer:
1. Aokuro
2. Kagakuro
3. Akakuro
4. KiyoHyuu

<3 Sorry :P

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 10

Day 10. What do you wish to see in future chapters of Kurobas?

Ouch, how to answer that?

Hmm...I would like to see Kiseki no Sedai at their Teikou days. I want to see how their middle school life look like. I want to see Kuroko and Aomine become close friend again. I want to see Kuroko vs Akashi.
Really, how I'm supposed to answer that?

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 9

Day 09. What do you like about Kurobas?

Wow, now that's a difficult question.
Let's see...

At first, I like it because it's funny and about basketball (sport which you can say one of my favorite and I play it a lot)
Then, I started to like it because of its story. Some have really deep meaning....and sometimes I can't help but cry (a little, mind you)
Next, I LOVE it because of its character. My habit : once I adapted to some story, I'll easily fall in love with its characters. I'm telling you this manga/anime has many....MANY cool+handsome+freaking hot characters!!!
Well, simply put, I like everything about Kurobas!! XD
I'm even willingly to buy its official fanbook (I ordered it from July, and still waiting~)
And I'm planning to buy some fanstuff at AFA ID later ;) (please, wish my wallet luck)

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Special Day 3 : Alexandria Garcia's Birthday

Happy birthday, Alex-san!!!
Wish you all the best!!! You're the best teacher for Kagami and Himuro!!! XD
Wish you can teach me as well ;)

Anyway, if there's something that I want to tell you probably is.....

can you stop kiss every person (especially girl) if you meet them? -___-"
it's kinda.....awkward, y'know?
Well, best teacher always has something weird about her/him, right? hehehe (Alex : What?!)

Oh, and here's a fun fact:
Today is supposed to be my birthday! X)
But, don't know why, my birthday becomes August 6th.
If only it's still August 8th....I'll have the same birthday with Alex-san
Right? ;D

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 8

Day 08. On the scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love Kurobas?

Are you serious?
Because this question is seriously stupid!
Of course it's 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!!!!! XD

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Aaah....I want to play basketball right now....

And I want to swim.....and train my stamina again...

Hope my last two weeks holiday (after feasting month) can worth it....

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I'm dissapointed in both of you.....maybe this is the end.....

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 7

Day 07. Which is/are your least favourite scene(s) in the manga?

Hmm...let's say when Seirin vs Kirisaki Daiichi
I dislike that team so much, heck, I hate them. I hate their rough play.

Can someone kill them? *bringing heavy blade

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Special Day 2 : My Birthday

Yey, happy birthday to me!!!! XD

Even though honestly...I don't feel anything special with my increase age -.-
(maybe because we're in fasting month? I can't eat much -____-)

Anyway, even though I'm already 19 years old, I don't feel any need to force myself to become more mature. (My mom asked me this morning -____-")

My wish(es) for my new age:
1. Hope I'll get bright future in the place where I stay (faculty of dentistry) with my friends
2. Hope I'll get red sport hoodie (I want it since it's Akashi's color >__<)
3. Hope I'll get Kuroko no Basket fanbook that I've been ordering at Kinokuniya
4. Still wish for PS 3  XD
5. Hope next semesters are not annoying like last semesters (seriously)
6. Hope my allowance money can get increase (yeah, really HOPING)
7. Hope I'll find the most delicious Vanilla Milkshake in my city (and please not really expensive)
8. Hope my hobbies such as basketball, swimming, liking anime & manga, and playing video games stay same even though I'm becoming adult
8. Well.....just hope for the best for me, my family, and the world

Little bonus :
>This is happening at morning
Mom : Happy birthday, dear!!! Wish you all the best!!
Me : Thanks, mom. :)
Mom : May your college is running smoothly and you can graduate on time
Me : Amiiin!! XD
Mom : And may you don't like anime, manga, and video game again. Also, may you don't like those characters in your manga again.
Me : Hey hey hey!!! >___<"

>Also at morning
Lil' bro : Morning, sis! I'm going to school, okay!
Me : Hey, wait! Don't you have anything to say to me?
Lil' bro : Huh? What? Is there anything that I need to say?
Me : Nah, forget it. (Maybe he forget)
Lil' bro : Okay then, I'm off. Oh yeah, sis!
Me : Hmm?
Lil's bro : Don't forget to treat me, okay! I want shabu-shabu at Mall Kelapa Gading or steak from Pepper Lunch. Bye, see you!!!
Me : WHAT?!! You.....little brat!! (He just remember that I must treat him eating, not my birthday? Geez, what a nice little brother you are *smile)

>This is happening at afternoon
Dad : Happy birthday, sweetie!!
Me : Thanks, dad :)
Dad : Why you don't say anything this morning?
Me : I thought you heard what mom said and you just feel it's not really necessary to congratulate me
Dad : Nah, actually this morning I forgot even though I already remember it last night. Hahahaha
Me : Really, dad.... -_____-"

Well, overall....this day has been amusing so far ;)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 6

Day 06. Which is/are your favourite scene(s) in the manga?

Now this is really stupid question, I love every scene in the manga!
It's hilarious. funny, sometimes sad....
Well, to conclude it....every scene with Kuroko is my favorite scene!!! X3

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青黒 feeling

"Please don't leave me......"

by http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2727231

Note :
Don't know why....but this picture is making me cry

Kinda reminds me of 5 years ago....
And here I thought I already move on....

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 5

Day 05. Which is/are your least favourite scene(s) in the anime?

Hmm....can I say there's none?
Even if I must pick one....I just can't think any...

So, no...every scene in Kurobas anime is my favorite!! :)

I don't really like eps. 18! It lacks something....I don't know what, but I don't feel the same like when I read the manga. So, maybe my least favorite scene of Kurobas anime is the climax of Touo vs Seirin (which you can't tell if it's really the climax or not)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 4

Day 04. Which is/are your favourite scene(s) in the anime?

Scene? Hmm....I must say when Seirin + Kaijou(Kasamatsu & Kise) + Shutoku(Takao & Midorima) eat okonomiyaki together. When Midorima wants to escape but end up stay since there's big storm (his and Takao's expression are hilarious!). Oh, and also when Takao accidently throws Okonomiyaki to Midorima's head, now that's crack me up!

The scene where Kuroko teases Kagami with his new puppy (Nigou) is funny too!

But, still....I can't really pick any favorite scene, since all of them are my favorite. :)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 3

Day 03. Which is/are your favourite match(es)? [Including the manga]

Hmm, I've to say all the matches are my favorite.
But if I've to pick top 3 (at least):
1. Seirin vs Touhou/Tōō (more prefer the second one, since the first one is like...sad/angst) *ahomine no baka
2. (Hopefully) Rakuzan vs Shutoku
3. Rakuzan vs Seirin (in future, of course)

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Kagami’s Birthday (side KnSxOC)

Kiseki no Sedai + Momoi + Shiroinaka give Kagami present+happy birthday wish

Kuroko          : Happy birthday, Kagami-kun. Here’s your present from me and Nigou 
                       *hands out box full of burgers
Kagami          : Thank you, Kuroko….but….
                        can you take your dog away from me? *sweating a lot
Kise               : Happy birthday, Kagamichi!! Here’s my present for you!! *hands out a photo album of    Kise Ryouta
Kagami          : Who want this?!!! *throw the book far away
Kise               : Heeeeh? So mean!! *crying
Midorima       : Actually it’s troublesome. But since everyone bugs me off, I guess I can’t help it. Here’s yours. *hands out bunny statue
Kagami          : What the….?
Midorima       : It’s Leo’s lucky item of the year
Kagami          : (still a weirdo…)
Aomine          : Yo, Kagami, let’s have battle 1-on-1! Who lost must treat food until bankrupt! *grinning
Kagami          : What’s the point of you being in here?!!!
Momoi           : Kagamin, happy birthday!! Here’s your present from me!! *hands out a CD album of America band
Kagami          : Wow, is this *****?! How you manage to get it? More importantly, how do you know I like it?!
Momoi           : Kagamin likes to hear rock music, right? Particulary that band. And that CD is a limited item, so you have to go a certain way before get it. That’s why you don’t get it since you’ve to attend basket’s practice.
Kagami          : (Her database is really ridiculous!!)
Murasakibara : Kagamichin, happy birthday~ Here’s for you *hands out a candy from his box
Kagami          : Eer…thanks? (is that box supposed to be my present? *sweatdrop)
Akashi           : Taiga, I heard today is your birthday, right? As present, I’ll be postponing to stab you. *smile evilly
Kagami          : How is that supposed to become a present?! *sweating a lot
Shiroinaka      : Happy birthday, Taiga-kun!! Wish you all the best!! Hmm….since I don’t know what to get for you, I decided to give you this. *hands out a ticket
Kagami          : Wow! Is this a basketball match that everyone have been talking about?! The one that has two strong teams match?! Cool!!
Shiroinaka      : Yup, I got it somehow. Hope you don’t mind go with me. Since I want to watch it too. *smile
Kagami          : Nope, no problem at all!! *smilling widely
                       (…..hmm? why I feel something hot behind me? *turns around slowly)
Kise               : Heeee?! That’s unfair, kagamichi!! I want to go with Shiroichi too!!
Aomine          : Die you bastard!! Who said that you can go with Aika?!
Midorima       : …I don’t think Leo goes with another Leo is a good idea. So you better not thinking about it
Murasakibara : Do you want me to crush you, Kagamichin?
Akashi            : I changed my mind. It’s better if I stab you right now. *pulls out scissors
Kagami           : What the hell?!!! Kuroko, help me!!
Kuroko           : Kagami-kun……please disappear.
Kagami           : Not you too!! *running while being chased by Kiseki no Sedai

And so Kagami’s fate on his birthday….is uncertain (whether he is alive or....)

Little note :
So that's my present for Kagami-kun's birthday! It's been a long time since last I wrote fanfic. (damn laziness...-__-")
Anyway, I don't own any character in this story except 'Shiroinaka Aika', which is my original character.
Little information, she is my OC in my Kurobas fanfic. But unfortunely, I'll not write the fanfic, since it'll be too long and tiresome (again, damn laziness)
Oh well, thanks for reading. :D

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Special Day 1 : Kagami Taiga's Birthday

Yey, otanjoubi omedetou, Kagami-kun!!!
Wish you....well, wish you can treat me many food if I ever met you :P

Anyway, wonder what kind of present you'll love? Silly me, of course....It'll be Kuroko, right?! XD
(Kagami: *faint)

Since it's Kagami's special day, I'll write oneshot about his birthday.
('cause if I present a drawing...it'll take hours -___-")


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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 2

Day 02. Do you read the manga or watch the anime? Or both?

Both! At first I read the manga, and then I started to watch the anime too.
Though my favorite is the manga. The art is simply amazing!! :D

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 1

Day 01. How did you get to know Kurobas?

Hmm, let's say the first time I knew this word because of Pixiv.
There're ruckus and so many pictures featuring of Kurobas (Kuroko no Basket).
After a week, I felt curious, so I checked it out at Mangafox.com.
At first, I didn't interested....I don't feel anything from the first chapter....I thought the art is just so-so

That's until I read it until the latest chapter.
One word : DAMN!!!
Fujimaki Tadatoshi.....you succeed at making me love this series.

After that, I searched everywhere....I mean, really 'everywhere'
the fanart, the official art...everything! And Pixiv helps me big time.
It helps me to understand and feel the story more deep

So.....I can say it officially.... You are a jenius, Fujimaki Tadatoshi-dan!!! XD
Keep up the good work!! and don't give up with story!! (Even we knew that the Generation of Miracle is simply.....hard-to-handle -.-")

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge

from: heckyeahtumblrchallenges

Day 1 to 15 are generic questions.

Day 16 to 30 are related to characters.

Day 01. How did you get to know Kurobas?
Day 02. Do you read the manga or watch the anime? Or both?
Day 03. Which is/are your favourite match(es)? [Including the manga]
Day 04. Which is/are your favourite scene(s) in the anime?
Day 05. Which is/are your least favourite scene(s) in the anime?
Day 06. Which is/are your favourite scene(s) in the manga?
Day 07. Which is/are your least favourite scene(s) in the manga?
Day 08. On the scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love Kurobas?
Day 09. What do you like about Kurobas?
Day 10. What do you wish to see in future chapters of Kurobas?
Day 11. Which part of Kurobas will you change if you have the ability to?
Day 12. Did you like basketball or sports genre anime before Kurobas?
Day 13. What do you like/dislike about Kurobas fandom?
Day 14. How do you show your love to Kurobas? (Graphics? Drawings? Fanfictions? Etc.)
Day 15. What would you like to say to the mangaka, Fujimaki Tadatoshi, if you get to meet him?
Day 16. Who is/are your favourite male character(s)?
Day 17. Who is/are your least favourite male character(s)?
Day 18. Who is/are your favourite female character(s)?
Day 19. Who is/are your least favourite female character(s)?
Day 20. Who is/are your favourite Generation of Miracles character(s)?
Day 21. Who is/are your least favourite Generation of Miracles character(s)?
Day 21. Your favourite OTP(s)?
Day 22. Your least favourite OTP(s)?
Day 23. Which character(s) do you find to be closely related to yourself?
Day 24. Which character(s)’s personality do you find adorable?
Day 25. Which character(s)’s personality do you find annoying?
Day 26. Who would you marry if s/he was real?
Day 27. Who would you prefer to be your sibling(s) if s/he was/were real?
Day 28. Who do you think will be the best parent?
Day 29. Which is/are your favourite basketball team(s)?
Day 30. Which is/are your least favourite basketball team(s)?

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Wow, time sure flies fast!!
My holiday already gone for 2 months....so it means 1 month to go before I back to college's life again
-____- (don't wanna)

Oh yeah, currently, I've been in obssesion of manga/anime called "Kuroko no Basket".
Yep, I'm totally in love with this series.

Too in love that my hard disk full of its fanart :)

Anyway, this month, which is August, is special month.
I'll tell you later due the date.

Since it's been long time since I write in this blog, I'll do some activity.
It's called "Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge"

So, enjoy it if you like it too!! XD

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