
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Wow, time sure flies fast. It's already one year passed :D

And it's been a long time since I last hang around this blog.
So, now I'm already in holiday (since Dec 22th, 2012 actualy :P), maybe I can write some useless things in here :)

Honestly, I don't know what to write
Let's see...
I already passed my conservative and endodontic block

Oh yeah, in my last post, I said I won't become to obsess with Kurobasu again right>
If anything, it becomes worse/better?
Now I'm as far as buying original books from Japan, ordering from Kino, etc
I don't even want to know how much I spent for this fandom --"

but still, from this fandom, I really grateful! I met and talked with so many wonderful friends in twitter
This's not something usual for me, since I don't really like to be acquaintance with someone that I haven't meet in real life.
But they're so nice and not to mention their drawing are cool (make me try to polish my drawing again)

I just hope in this new year, we can get to know each other better and 'hopefully' can control ourselves to not spend more money --"

Happy new year!!! :D

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November Wishlist (#random)

Since I don't know what to do this evening, sooooooo......might as well do little wishing :P

November wishlist:
1. I beg for Dulki (id=1265963) and Kain (id=445409) to make a kurobasu artbook!! >__< and please do international shipping! Some of us are not living in Japan, you know -___-"
2. Please....money come faster to my wallet!! ;____;
3. May I can save money for January trip (not likely) and for Otosan's trip to nihon next year (can I just beg and kneel so I can come too? ;____;)
4. I want Mon's Akakuro!! >___< I really regret for not asking for it at ST3 TTT.TTT don't care if I should order it from toranoana
5. Really....if it's possible.....can I restrain myself to not taking this kurobasu fandom any further? This fandom is dangerous for my classes recently.... -____-
6. May I get As for Conservative and Endodontics classes for this term >>>_< <<
7. May Kino can reply my email regardless of my requests -.-

I guess this is for now? :)

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The Last Day of My Holiday

Haaah, this is it, huh?
My-3-months-holiday is over..

Time sure flies fast. (No, I'm bored to death in my house -____-")

Well, I guess I won't open this blog for a long time before the next holiday, which is 6 months later.

About Kuroko no Basket.
Today I got my Kurobas fanbook!!! I ordered it from July (end) and after one month, I received it.
Not only that, I bought Kurobas novel: Replace II too!! Now it's only Replace I and III left. :D

Sadly....I think I'm no longer love Kurobas like when I first knew it...
I still like it!! Still read the manga, watch the anime, read the fanfic, buy the merchandise, buy the novel.....but I don't think I'll have the fanatic feeling anymore. This's all because my new term is gonna begin. I don't think there'll be a time for me to play again.

So.....thank you for all Kurobas fandom, Fujimaki Tadatoshi-san, and other people who introduced me this awesome manga/anime/series. I still follow this series, but not as much as before.

Well, I just hope my next term is gonna be cool, okay, and run smoothly. (amien)

Okay then, see you in next holiday! XD

(that's it if anyone read this blog :P)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 30

Day 30. Which is/are your least favourite basketball team(s)?

Let's change it to:
"Which is/are basketball team(s) that you hate?"

Let's see,
Shinkyo Academy, Kirisaki Daichi high, and Josei high

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 29

Day 29. Which is/are your favourite basketball team(s)?

Teikou middle, Seirin high, and Rakuzan high

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 28

Day 28. Who do you think will be the best parent?


Kuroko Tetsuya : nice father (or mommy *ups)
Aomine Daiki : gonna spoil me, I think?
Kise Ryouta : spoil me too...to the point I want to kick him out from house
Midorima Shintarou : no....I don't even want to imagine it....sorry, Midori-kun (Midorima : Why me again? *tear up)
Murasakibara Atsushi : I think I'll have may fights with him.....for snack time -.-"
Akashi Seijuro : no, definetely no. Gonna strict, spoil me (little), possessive, and scary at the same time. No, he's better become my husband (*again?)

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Kuroko no Basket 30 Day Challenge : Day 27

Day 27. Who would you prefer to be your sibling(s) if s/he was/were real?

Hmm....sibling, huh?

Kuroko Tetsuya is nice, so I think he'll make a great brother/cousin/sibling
Aomine Daiki is cool (when he's in Teikou), yep, I want him to be my big bro
Kise Ryouta....he's gonna be my pet :P
Midorima Shintarou.......stay away from my house!!! (Midorima: Why?!)
Murasakibara Atsushi, I want him to be my....cousin...yep, that'll be nice

Akashi Seijuro....why my sibling? I want him to be my husband!! *hit-by-basketball

But, I love if Momoi Satsuki or Alexandra Garcia becomes my sister/cousin/sibling (since I just have one little brother -___-)

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