The Last Day of My Holiday

Haaah, this is it, huh?
My-3-months-holiday is over..

Time sure flies fast. (No, I'm bored to death in my house -____-")

Well, I guess I won't open this blog for a long time before the next holiday, which is 6 months later.

About Kuroko no Basket.
Today I got my Kurobas fanbook!!! I ordered it from July (end) and after one month, I received it.
Not only that, I bought Kurobas novel: Replace II too!! Now it's only Replace I and III left. :D

Sadly....I think I'm no longer love Kurobas like when I first knew it...
I still like it!! Still read the manga, watch the anime, read the fanfic, buy the merchandise, buy the novel.....but I don't think I'll have the fanatic feeling anymore. This's all because my new term is gonna begin. I don't think there'll be a time for me to play again.

So.....thank you for all Kurobas fandom, Fujimaki Tadatoshi-san, and other people who introduced me this awesome manga/anime/series. I still follow this series, but not as much as before.

Well, I just hope my next term is gonna be cool, okay, and run smoothly. (amien)

Okay then, see you in next holiday! XD

(that's it if anyone read this blog :P)

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