Almost the end of 2011

Wow, terakhir kali gw nulis di nie blog 6 bulan lalu?!

Cool......lama amat... -__________-"
kmana aja nie gw slama ini?

Oke, langsung aja ke inti...

Gak nyangka ya udah mau mendekati akhir tahun 2011, srasa kmarin gw baru masuk SD! *ups?
Let's backward little to this year, okay? :D

1. I got FKG UI by "SNMPTN Tertulis"....yeah, faculty of dentistry....
    Believe or not, it's still creating contraception in myself....
    I'm sure some people already knew, which faculty is my purpose.....guess, I failed
    Not that I'm not being gratefull...

2. PSAF and MABIMWA.....these two names are my "ospek"'s name
    Let me give some words to describe what its feel or like :
    - Crazy (with task or seniority)
    - Totally made me exhausted!!!
    - After 2 months, it's starting to get boring
    - I feel like to beat up anyone else
    I guess that words can describe little of "ospek", hehehe
    But in this "ospek", I experienced some things new....and maybe...I don't really regret it

3. I become a staff of program in my first organization and social program
    Yeah, it's kinda shocking since I never paticipated in any organization
    And I become one staff of charge, kinda had big responbility, no? :)

4. This year I partake classical music exam of piano
    It's really.....nerve-breaking. I become midgeting for about 2 hours!!!
    But it came out successfully, and I passed the test too!!
    Funny thing examiner was really shock when she heard me singing....
    And it's not because it's's really....let's key?
    My singing's score is kinda low too....hehe :P
    But her face is really....worth for a good laugh!! XD

5. My "galau" is about something else beside boys
    Since my faculty is mayority of girls, there're very little number of boys.
    So...let's say it's kinda hopeless if you want to find boyfriend.
    Therefore, I don't really think about them as seldom as when I was in senior high school
    Even though some of them gave me some signals, but I'll think of it just some jokes
    They can't be serious, right?

Gw rasa cuman 5 hal itu yang paling penting dalam 6 bulanan ini...
N' skrg gw lg libur panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang skali!!!!
Sampai tgl 13 Februari oy!! -___-"
Gak skalian stahun aja?

Looking  back at year 2011, makes me feel....there're really so many events that happened in my life
Time is really fast, right?
I just hope year 2012 can be more exciting!
And....the next 'exam'....can be more....successful....

Guess I'll continue this tommorow....
I'm sleepy, oh well...

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My 18th Birthday

Yes, today is my 18th birthday!
hiks, it doesn't feel like I'm 18 at all

Oh well, put that aside.
Today is also my first day in ospek.
And, well.....many new experiences!
I'm so happy!!
Hope my ospek will be done smoothly :D

Okay, I can't type much, because I need my energy.
I need rest so much I think I'll pass without second thought X3

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My memories in Harry Potter series (books+movies)

Yeah, finally, today all cinemas in my town will play Harry Potter the final movie.
And you know, before this movie almost rejected and not be playing in my country. (yeah, that's suck, I know)

Weird enough, I don't buy the tickets yet.
I don't know....I mean, I'm kinda sad, knowing there'll be no more Harry Potter's movies.
And...I just don't want it to end yet....

I remember the first time I watched the "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone"....
Honestly, I even didn't read the book at that time....heck, I was 7 years old
when my parents took me to watch the movie, let's say, I even didn't know the name of the movie.
But I quickly fell in love with this movie. And I even started to read the book...
I remember when I struggled to read the entire book :)

I remember how I waited for the Owl's letter when I was 11 years old
I remember that Draco Malfoy was my second love when I watch him in "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" (very slow to realize, I know)

Even until my 17th birthday, I still wait the letter from Hogwarts.
Not too long, I'll turn to 18....that means the end of my imagination world.
Because I'll start college, and I doubt my faculty will give me spare time to spend just to imagine that "magic world".

If not because me and my best friends are busy, three of us will watch the final movie of Harry Potter.
And you know....the friendship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione kind of reminds me of my own friendship. The difference is if in harry potter, there're 2 boys and 1 girl, in my group, there're 2 girls and 1 boy.
And if ron loves harmione and harry loves someone else, in my group, we don't love each other (at least in that term). We love someone else, so there's no quarell between us. Seriously, we never fight!
I want to watch this movie with both of them, but unfortunely one of us already in Bandung and very busy.
So, I don't really have a feeling to watch this movie with someone else.

Enough with my 'stupid' story,
I would like to say "Thank You" for J.K.Rowling.
Very big thank you actually. Without your story, I doubt my life will be colorful like now.
Thanks for your "Magic World", my childhood life was very interesting.
I know you probably not read it in here, but I just want spill all my thought. :D
You'll always be my after my mother, of course X)
So, thank you for share you story to the world. Love you always :)

"No story lives unless someone wants to listen...

The stories we love best do live in us forever.

So whether you come back by page or by the big screen,

Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

- JK Rowling

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Dreams (3)

Okay, this is my second dreams that I wish to keep it for a long time....

In this dream,
I was in chemistry lab in my senior high school.....around me were my friends from 21.
Then something told me to turn my body.
I went to take a chair to sit down....apparently, that chair was in first row in front.
But when I want to take that chair....someone's hand already in that chair...
When I look up...there....."8"....... was staring me down
Of course, I panicked.....but my body just stood still....then something in his eyes told me....
'we don't know each other', I know.
But weird enough, I felt like I undestood....
I just nooded and turn around
Then I  face my friends, there's 'F' too....I pointed to her that '8' was behind me....
I panicked around....and not only that...I felt his stare behind my head....
I want to turn around again, so I can face him....but unfortunely, the dream finished by then.

When I woke up, I feel this feeling of warm.....yes, it's been awhile since I remember about him....
I kinda miss him.....4 years.....
But when I remembered his words, I can't help to feel sad....
It looks like he doesn't want to know me.....

And yet......I still looking for him.....
I can't just....erase him.....

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Take a Bow - Glee Version

Ohh, how about a round of applause,
Hey, standin’ ovation,
Ooh, ohh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

You look so dumb right now,
Standin’ outside my house,
Tryin’ to apologize, You’re so ugly when you cry,
Please, just cut it out

Don’t tell me you’re sorry ’cause you’re not,
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught,
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin’, But now it’s time to go (oh),

Curtains finally closin’,
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin’, But it’s over now
(but it’s over now),
Go on and Take a Bow, ohh..ohh

Grab your clothes and get gone
(get gone),
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on
(come on),

Talkin ’bout girl, I love you,
you’re the one,
This just looks like a re-run,
Please, what else is on

Don’t tell me you’re sorry ’cause you’re not (mmm),
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught (mmm),
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin’, But now it’s time to go (oh),

Curtains finally closin’,
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin’, But it’s over now (but it’s over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh

And the award for the best lier goes to you
(goes to you),
For makin’ me believe that you could be faithful to me,
Let’s hear your speech out?

(But you put on quite a show you really had me goin’),
But now it’s time to go (oh),

Curtains finally closin’,
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin’, But it’s over now (but it’s over now),
Go on and Take A Bow

But it’s over now

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I did it!!! .......sorta

Well, finally I'm back!

And, the result from SNMPTN is.......
FKG UI!!!!!
Great, means that my efforts have used


just a little story,
I'm.....I'm glad I've been accepted...,but

let's say, now I'm trying to accept the fact that I get what I want before

Everyday, my parents keep encouraging me
And finally, I can eat at Mang Engking and Shabu Tei
Great presents, or I can say great foods!

but.....still, inside my mind....
I'm still working to adapt to this new information.....

Hmm, I guess I really need that hot dark chocolate drink from Chocalot.
Man, I love that drink now!! <3
Really soothing my mind ^-^
If only the shop is close to my house, I think I'll spend almost all my free time in there ;D

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Based on 'TotA'

Hey, you know what.....
Watching how 'Luke' have been acting at the start of game....kind of reminds me of such spoil, egoistic, selfish brat/boy/bastard.

He thinks so highly of himself....
Well, just because he has one or two great abilities. In his case, he is just spoil rich brat and the next king.

But after the game is progressing,
he is more realising that he wants to change....that's a good thing, indeed

But what I see is.....
Why human....must do something horrible or something that can't be fix realise their own act?
Even though they change, something that can't be undo.....will be permanent forever, right?
Why must have a regret to realise ones own act?

But it's to people that after comitted such a terrible and selfish acts, still not realise it.
That kind of person.......will regret more of what he/she lost

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Wooow, lama banget ya sjak trakhir gw buka nie blog?
Bahkan udah ngelewatin SNMPTN....ckck
dan skrg sdg 'halfway' ke pengumuman...

I must admit, I get "doki doki" just to think about it....

Yaaah, hanya bs mnanti, berdoa, berharap, menunggu, dan mlakukan persiapan....if the worst happen

Dan kt2 nyokap gw jd kyataan lg...
Stelah SNMPTN, gw jd 3/4 zombie. Yep, the stress is killing me slowly
Dan hal yg nahan gw, yg membuat gw masih bs tertawa lg hanyalah:
1. Pergi intensif simak BTA.......dngan bgini, pikiran gw udah sibuk ama blajar dl
2. Bermain dgn tmn2 BTA dan tmn2 yg masih 'contact' ama gw....mrk lah yg bikin gw masih bs tersenyum :)
3. Keluarga, of course.  Terutama nyokap....yg slalu mendampingi gw
4. Main game Tales of The Abyss!!! Dgn bgitu gw bs rewind di otak gw crita2 yg gw buat dl.
Haaaah....Sync is so 'gakoi' >//////<

Well, yg terpenting pikiran gw bner2 pnuh....cuman gak ampe sestress pas sbelum SNMPTN
sbenarnya sie sama aja stressnya -.-"

Oh well...... *shrug

beberapa persiapan udah disiapin....tinggal tunggu hasil nya

May luck always within me....

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Sing it out,
Boy, you got to see what tomorrow brings.
Sing it out,
Girl, you got to be what tomorrow needs.

For every time.
That they want to count you out,
Use your voice, 
every single time you open up your mouth.

Sing it for the boys, 
Sing it for the girls,
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world.
Sing it from the heart,
Sing it till you're nuts,
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.
Sing it for the deaf,
Sing it for the blind,
Sing about everyone that you left behind.
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

Sing it out, 
Boy, they're gonna sell what tomorrow needs
Sing it out, 
Girl, they're gonna kill what tomorrow brings
You've got to make a choice, 
If the music drowns you out.
And raise your voice,
Every single time they try and shut your mouth.

Sing it for the boys, 
Sing it for the girls, 
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world.
Sing it from the heart,
Sing it till you're nuts,
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.
Sing it for the deaf,
Sing it for the blind,
Sing about everyone that you left behind.
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

Cleaned-up corporation progress,
Dying in the process.
Children that can talk about it,
Living on the webways.
People moving sideways,
Sell it till your last days.
Buy yourself the motivation,
Generation nothing.
Nothing but a dead scene,
Product of a white dream.
I am not the singer that you wanted,
but a dancer. 
I refuse to answer, 
Talk about the past, 
Sir and wrote it for the ones who want to get away. 

Keep running!

Sing it for the boys, 
Sing it for the girls, 
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world.
Sing it from the heart,
Sing it till you're nuts,
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.
Sing it for the deaf,
Sing it for the blind,
Sing about everyone that you left behind.
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

You've got to see what tomorrow brings!
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.
Yeah, you've got to be what tomorrow needs!
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

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Dreams (2)

I just remember it little....

In my second dream....
That little should I say it....
I like her.....she's cute, innocent, and cheerful.....and yes, she's so familiar...
Is that in past? Or the other 'me'?

And the old man in the storage room...
If I'm not wrong, he's a old man with white hair and white berd.....and little esentrik..
He wore a white a professor....
And I remember, that granpa was angry....he shouted something to me, and like told before, I can't heard him

I told my mother about this dreams....
And you know what?
That grandpa apparently is my mother's a guardian angel, but this one doesn't look like an angel
I don't know why, but I feel happy....
And yet, I don't know why I'm happy....

Little stories
My mother apparently has a supernatural guardian
Sometimes it takes a shape as an old man (the one that I met in dream) or a white lion.
If it's not those two, sometimes my grandfather comes to my mom's dream.
She told me that her guardian is inheritance from her mother's family, because it seems my grandmother's family have supernatural power. That's why my mother can sense 'them' sometimes.

maybe because my father doesn't have those kind of power, I don't really sense them often
Oh, but I have my guardian too. But until now, I don't know what its shape. All that I know, it always protects me. Closing my eyes when I tought I see something that scary, waking me up to do the early morning prayer (it told me something...kind of annoying, but I grateful), and the other things.
Sometime in middle of night, when I can't sleep, I feel presence beside me. It's so comfortable, I tought it was my mom who slept beside me. But I found none.
I think....
I can always go to the front, right?

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Wow, nyokap pulang dr Yogya bawa oleh2 tumben kren2.
Pdhal gw cuman nitip coklat Monggo yg rasa dark, tp ternyata dpt tambahan jg, hehe
Slain 8 btang coklat tsb, gw jg dpt bj batik!
Baju batik yg dbeliin bs dbilang unik.
Yg no 1, warnanya biru, dan ukurannya ngepas di bdan gw, gayanya jg lbih feminim.
Yg no 2, warnanya hijau, ukurannya agak lbih bsar dr yg no 1. Gayanya dong....kyk bj prajurit/jendral!
Persamaan ke duanya, yg jg mrupakan keunikan dr bj batik ini adalah.....keduanya bermodel kyk bj shanghai!
Gw suka baju2 bergaya shanghai ntah knapa (krn agak mendekati gaya Jpang kali yak?).
Haaah....pingin bgt gw pake!! XD

Thanks, ma!! \^o^/

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I had two weird dreams last night....

The first one, it took scene in my junior high school's classroom but in inside...
is my friends from senior high school.
In that dream, everyone've been avoiding me.....even my best friend
But I just shrugg it off....I sat alone in my the middle of class, and I searched for my iPod...but I just can't found it....
Then I told myself....'It's okay....I can do this alone. Beside, I already used being alone....right?'
That dream ended because my mother called me in the middle of night (she was in Yogya at that time).
After I finished talking to my mom, I back to sleep...

My second I say it....It's really weird
in that dream, I was like....chasing something. I was in a car....with some other children. They all sat in behind.
I sat in the front...then I realize, my body was like a 7 or 8 years old. The driver was the man that I knew when I'm still an elementary school, but he kinds of...weird too. Beside me, there's a little girl. A bit blondie, little looks like an american. I'm not sure, but I feel like I've met this girl before.....and I felt comfortable..just sat beside her. She just smiled and sometimes she will rubbed her cheek to mine. When I asked her why, she just smiled and said there's nothing. I kinda like her....
In this dream, I helped her to get in an empty house. Again, I felt familiar with this house. Both of us took 2 music boxes that lied on the table in some room. And then there's a man, bursted in to this room. At that time, I realize....that both that girl and I were a spirit. Of course that man can't see us, but he can hear us...because of the music boxes. I pulled the girl's hand and tried to escape from whoever this man. It seems he noticed, then he called out his underlings. And yes, they can't see us....and can't hear us too....I don't know why, but I jumped from that stairs when the underlings came upstair. When I fell in bottom, I saw the underlings tried to find me. I want to escape...but my body just won't move.....before I know, I was in some room, filled with electronic stuffs and's like a storage room but more dusty
I was alone......I scanned the room, then I saw an old man. At that time, I tought he's scary.....I don't know why though.... Then he told me something, but I can't hear him. Unfortunely, when I want to ask him, I already wake up.

Phew, really weird huh?
Seems like.....this is my weirdest dream that I ever long as I remember, that is....

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Last Day of UAN

Wehey, slese jg UAN!!
Dan yg diujikan hr ini bner2 pas buat pnutup....pas bikin depresi TT___TT killing me slowly.....
Sorry kak Firzy, spertinya siasat kakak gak berfungsi di saat aku ujian deh -___-"
Tp thanks buat smua kakak BTA yg udah ngasih tips UAN nya slama minggu intensif! (walau yg bs dpake cuman tips dr kak Fira doang  =__=" yg lain cuman pd iseng ngerjain gw sie, ckck)

Nah, tentunya krn ini bs dbilang hr terakhir angkatan gw pake kostum sragam (hehe), pastilah kt foto2! XD
Wolves foto2 n' saling ngeluarin yell2 (cuman ada parahnya....masa toss yell2 di atas kpala ktua klas? udah gt abis di-toss, ditendang lg....kjam -.-"), sayang nie SEGA gak foto2 lg. Yaah, ngumpulin anak2nya aja pasti mkan 30 mnit lbih ===.===

Abis itu gak lupa foto2 ber4, yup gw, arin, anti, n' sarah.
Td nya mau ber 6 pergi mkan2, tp akhirnya kita ber4 yg jadi pergi. Tp gak apa deh, udah lama gak pergi ber4 cwek2! X)

Kita ber4 pergi ke suatu cafe kcil di jlan Boulevard klapa gading (gw gak tau nama tokonya -_-")
srius br tau gw ada cafe gini. Abis dr jalan gak bgitu kliatan sie.
Jadilah kt ber4 mkan waffle n' 'roti' apa pun itu (gw lupa namanya). Waffle Tiramisu Almond and Orange Squash nya enak bgt!!!! X)
Gak terlalu mhal lg! Yg 'roti' itu, gw lbih suka yg topping keju, krn yg topping jamur udah dmakan arin. hehe
Tentu nya kt ber4 ngobrol2, ktawa2, n' gak lupa nyiksa gw -___-" spertinya sdh jd rutinitas?

Adalah kita sempet ktawa ngakak gara2 komentar anti tentang waiter tuh kafe......gara2 waiternya mirip org papua sie -__-" hahaha tp emang mirip! Udah gt pas kita mau plg, dia kan bukain pintu. Dengan senyum berkata, "smoga lulus ya ujiannya." Jawaban kita ber4 beda2 woy!
Sarah : Terima kasih
Arin : Yoi
Gw : Thanks
Anti : *gak bs jawab gara2 sibuk ktawa2

Pas mau balik ke arah 21, kita ber4 naik bajaj sebagaimana seperti saat kita brangkat. Dan gw lah yg dpangku...mengingat brat gw paling ringan =,= Udah gt abang bajaj nya ngomong pake bhasa jawa? sunda? tau dah, ama sarah diladenin, tp lama2 kt ber4 gak ngerti. Gw ama arin sama2 triak "Pd ngomong bhasa apa sie?!" Dan abang ini tdk membantu sma skali, krn dia mlah bikin anti tambah ktawa ngakak, hehe

Td nya pas balik pd mau main ke rmh sarah, tp gw plg duluan krn gw kangen brat ama laptop+PS2 gw. hehe
tp tau2 gw dculik bokap ke tebet buat nganterin adek gw BTA....apa2an ini? o_o"

Walau gw blang gak ada prasaan khusus mau ninggalin masa SMA.....ntah knapa gw agak sedih jg.
Sdih krn tau gak ada knangan indah ini yg bs terulang pelajaran yg gw dpt kan di masa ini akan tetap gw bawa ke masa depan. Lagian.......halaman hidup tuh masih panjang! hehe

Yaaah, toh bsk gw ama sarah-anti mau pergi cari kado. N' sabtu nya mau mkan2 di rmh ghina, wiiiiiii.........
Minggu dpan jg gw mau jlan lg ama Fifi....trus......tau ah.

Pokoknya byk hal yg hanya bs dinikmati saat ini saja.....

........and I won't regret it

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I'm baaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Huwaaah, slese jg UAN!!! Akhirnya.....ntah pingin nangis terharu ato......
Yeah, cut the chase! hehe

hiks, bner2 perjuangan abis.....
5 jam lbih dlm shari, dkelilingi buku2 n' kertas2 berisi soal......bner2 gak pingin diulang lg TT__TT
udah gt pernah lg pas malam salah satu hari ujian, acara OVJ lg lucu2nya......yg eps "Brigdjen Dorman", tp gw mesti mengurung diri dkamar buat blajar. Hiks, itu menderita abis! >_<

Tapi yg bikin gw lumayan kaget tuh....ternyata bs jg ya gw bertahan 1,5 minggu tanpa megang laptop, PS2, dkk nya. Walau skrg gw jd kecapekan sie.....main drtd gak slese2 -.-"

Yup, satu lg phase udah selese.....tinggal yg paling penting ; SNMPTN!
Let's battle!!! XD

Tapi istirahat dulu ah slama sminggu, BTA jg libur ini :3
Sperti kata kak Doel : Slese UAN, langsung pergi main! Sebagaimana kalian adalah plajar, kalian jg masih remaja. Jgn terlalu memforsir diri. :D"
Sip, kak! Akan kujalankan nasihat itu! XD hehehe

Yosh, let's go!!!

But play first! X3

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10 days second test, UAN

Finally there, right? Hehe
Slightly nervous, but it's okay. I've done this before.

Even though there're little disturbances,
it's nothing to me anymore.

Beside, I can't go to my birthplace if I'm weak, right?
I don't need those things that just get in my way

So, I guess this is a temporary good bye......for my laptop and PS2 and PSP
Geez, I'll miss them for sure TT___TT

Wish me luck :)

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Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, BETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Huh! Gmana nggak?!
Udah stress gara2 mau ujian. salah satu mood booster gw dlarang!
Bagus bgt!

Gw udah mohon2 1 jam, tetap aja gak dkasih ijin main PS2....
Bagus... minta mkan udon di Komachi, tiba2 jd mkan Pepper Lunch gara2 adek gw minta
Gw pingin bli es krim mint choco chip baskin lg, tp gak dbolehin gara2 nyokap flu.....yg mkan emang siapa?
Hr ini udah mau pergi dbatalin krn kt nyokap takut bsk msk angin.....yg brenang emang siapa?

Stelah gt, masih nanya knapa gw mrah2? Masih nanya knapa gw kliatan bete n' ngurung diri di kamar?
Kalo gak gw inget kata dosa.....mungkin nie 'gunung merapi' udah meledak kali ya? HA.HA.HA *evillaugh
Udah gt sakit gw pd kambuh....stress itu membunuh plan2 y? -___-

Tau ah.........

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Duuh.....nie emang prasaan gw doang ato Jakarta makin panas?! >__<
Bnar2 suhu yg membuat ingin brenang dan mkan es krim -,-

Apa gw bli es krim mint choco chip lg aja y? Tp itu berarti...alamat dompet bkal tipis bgt -___-"

Ama siapa? Nyokap sakit, Adek gw malesan....paling bokap. Hiks

Somebody help me... TTT____TTT

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Tinggal 2 minggu lg....
Gak bohong kalo dbilang gw makin kpikiran....

Bner2 deh.....walaupun udah dbilang org2 skitar gw kalo UAN pasti lulus, tp gw dpt firasat gw gak boleh terlalu gampangin hal ini.

Gak hanya itu...
Gw jg khawatir ngeliat nyokap sakit.....ntah krn bliau kpikiran ama ujian gw n' adek gw ato emang beliau kecapekan.
Ngeliat kondisi berpikir, alangkah lbih baik kalo sakit beliau bs dipindah ke gw.
Gw masih bs tahan kalo diri gw yg sakit...dbanding ngeliat beliau yg sakit...
Memang, gw akuin ini pemikiran yg bgitulah....

I need some ice cream right now.....

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"A person who are concerned about the rating from other people means that he/she is still a kid"  Pi - .hack//G.U

"If you want to be success, then go forward. Don't be afraid to walk to the front and try not to go to the back. Sure you can do it, right? *smile" Dad

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Start Me Up/Living On A Prayer ~ GLEE

Start me up 
Start me up 

Tommy used to work on the docks 
Union's been on strike, he's down on his luck. 
It's tough, oh so tough 

We gotta hold on ready or not 
You live for the fight when that's all that you've got 

Start me up 
We're half way there 
Oh livin' on a prayer 

Start me up 
We'll make it i swear 
Oh livin' on a prayer 

If you start me up (uh) 
Kick on the starter give it all you got, you got, you got 
I can't compete with riders in the other heat, yeah yeah 

I'll make a grown man cry, 
I'll make a grown man give it a shot 

Start me up 
We're half way there 
Oh livin' on a prayer 

Start me up 
We'll make it i swear 

Oh, livin' on a prayer 

Livin' on a prayer 

(instrumental break) 

Oh, we gotta hold on, ready or not 
You live for the fight when that's all that you've got 

Start me up 
Oh, we're half way there 
Oh, livin' on a prayer 
Take my hand, we'll make it i swear, 
Oh livin' on a prayer 

Start me up 
If you start me up i'll never stop (i'll never stop) 
Livin' on a prayer 
Take my hand and we'll make it i swear 
Oh, livin on a prayer 

Oh, we're half way there 
Oh , livin' on a prayer 
Take my hand and we'll make it i swear, 
Oh livin' on a prayer (we're almost there) 

Livin' on a prayer 
You gotta start me up

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H : Hey, what do you wish for recently?

N : Hmm? Maybe....I wish to finish UAN hurrily, so I can focus on SNMPTN. And, so I don't need to go to school again. I'm thinking about staying at BTA actually, hehe

H : ...and?

N : I kind of wish....I can go back to myself like 3 years ago

H : 3 years ago? Do you wish to go back at that time?

N : Hnn, not really. But, I like to feel like 'that' again

H : Still thinking of that 'person'? There's possibility 'he' will go to ITB right?

N : And there's possibility he'll go to UI. There'll be time I can meet 'him' again, right?

H : What's good of him? All I can see is he kinds of.....cocky

N : Yeah, he is so cocky, proud, and arrogant. Man, that sure brings back memories, hehe

H : So, why still?

N : Because...even though both of us not really in good term, event tough I can't beat him, he still respects me for who I am and admits for who I can be. And for that....I thank him. Beside, my loss 3 years ago is still there to be finished.

H : Geez.......still stubborn, aren't you?

N : Hehe, can't help it XP

P.S :
percakapan random dgn 'seseorang'. gak ada angin, gak ada hujan...adanya cuman panas, tuh org tiba2 nanya ginian. Tp makasih deh, bikin keinget...jdnya bikin tambah smangat deh! XD

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I want to go to my birthplace....

Every time I see its condition in TV.....I become sad....

Even tough Fukuoka is okay, but I feel kind of sad....

The place that I visited when I was a kid, the place where my parents met, the place that I vowed that I'll come back later.....the place that full of my childhood memories. Even I don't really remember it all, but I can feel it.....

But I believe....when the time I can go there come.....Japan already back to its good condition

I believe that....... :')

Note :
I don't know why, but suddenly I just feel like I want to type, here it is X)

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Yey, sukses jg hr ini!!!
Walau pake acara tlat 1 jam, tetap asyik!!

Liat2 gramed n' toko baju ('F''s request), ngeliat Teddy House, melototin mainan LEGO (in my case, actually), crita2 slama UAS kmarin, mkan takoyaki berdua, minum root beer, and finally es krim mint chocolate chip!!! I'm back again, Baskin!!! XD

Haaah.....abis mkan es krim, prasaan ama pikiran langsung lega + seneng!
Plong bgt rasanya! X)

Yosh, kalo gt skrg mesti smangat lg buat ujian brikutnya : UAN!!
Apalg reward slanjutnya SHABU-TEI..........lapeer *ngiler

Yosh, ganbatte ne, Hoshi-chan!!! XD

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Salah satu artbook yg gw incer akhir2 ini :

ALPHONSE's Alice Adventures in Wonderland : Link

Kira2 bs dpt dmana ya? -.-

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It's one of these night that I feel so uneasy like this.....

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Oh iya,
gw ganti lg design nie blog, biar lbih seru kali y
Hehe XP

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Yey, UAS slese jg akhirnya!! walau gw agak ksel kok 21 gak libur? 8 aja libur, woy... -___-

Dan jujur hr ini adalah yg terparah.... =___="

Gw ngerjain fisika ama bhs.mandarin udah pasrah aja ama nasib....
tp mandarin lumayanlah...essay-nya yg angka gw bisa...yg terjemahan,... I'm stuck, hehe

Sbenarnya byk bgt yg pingin gw ketik dsini, tp.......

Lupa!, hehe

Yg pasti gw ksel brat ama ujian penjas (teori), komputer, dan fisika.
Gak ngira2 yg ngasih soal TT___TT

Well, forget it!
Udah lwat ini, skrg mesti mikirin yg ke depan.
Terutama hr minggu ini! Yay, akhirnya.....stelah nunggu lama, hehe
Gading bkal gw kelilingin nie X)

I can't wait!!!

But for now....
waktunya tidur.......gila...hampir sminggu kali y jam tidur gw dbawah 5 jam >__<"
pusing brat, hiks =.=

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back to ""

'cause I just remember someone that will bugs me to no end if I change my URL....

When she wanted to follow my blog, she asked me how for...what? hundrenth time?

So, maybe it's better I don't change my URL....but just the template

and yet, my URL's name is wrong..... =___="


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Oke, gw tau ini masih di tengah2 UAS....
tp namanya jg bosen, hehehe XP

akhirnya ada jg perubahan jg di blog

masih agak sepi sie..... =__="

tp ntar di edit lg,



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Wow, tinggal 3 hari lg saat nya gw ngejalanin UAS.....cpet emang -__-"
Rasa deg-deg an nya sama ama pas ujian praktek kmarin >__<"

Dan smua kata2 nyokap kmarin gak membuat keadaan gw smakin baik.....geez, gak heran gw pingin muntah...nambah2in stress sie -,-

Pokoknya slama 10 hari ke depan, gw mesti berusaha sekuat mungkin!
Toh abis UAS, gw janjian mkan es krim ama 'F', yey! Dan nyokap udah ngijinin! hehe
Baskin Robbins, Haagen Dazs, ato apa y......hehehe (klamaan ngidam jd gini nie :P)

Yosh, smangat!
Buat dpt nilai bagus, buat mengembalikan 'pride' gw, dan buat ES KRIM!!!! XD

Mint chocolate chip, here I come!!!!

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Mom :
" Do everything with your own way. Wear something that you like, not beacuse of other people say. Study with your own determination. Pray with your heart. In the end, you can smile and be grateful for everything. "

F :
" It's not like you, to be weak like right now. You're more stronger that you think, you know. I'm sure in the end, you'll get the happiness that you always wanted. You can through this. trust me. "

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Aku ingin membuat, menuju,  dan menjalani 'jalan cerita' yang ku inginkan

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Yey, PRA UAS selese!!!!
Walau pun ini brarti UAS yg sesungguhnya udah tinggal hitung 1 tangan....tapi, gw optimis pasti bisa!!

Udah gt, hr ini bner2 kenyang! Slain mkan spaghetti di skolah, mkan KFC (sisa sie -,-) di rmh, eeh.......Okasan plg bwain 2 kotak takoyaki (10 balls)! Fuh, I'm full! X)

Udah gitu "I Fiend" jg tumben bgt bikin gambar kingdom hearts byk2, udah gt gak cpet2 diapus kyk biasanya lg! Sempet deh ngambilin, hehehe

What a lucky day! :D

Sbentar lg UAS, trus tanpa sadar UAN bkal udah dpan mata......barulah penentuan gw, SNMPTN.
Yosh, ganbatte!!

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I've got to move on and be who I am

We might find our place in this world someday

But at least for now

I gotta go my own way

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Time to Say Goodbye ~ Simple Plan

I just don't want to waste another day
I'm trying to make things right
But you shove it in my face
And all those things you've done to me I can't erase
And I can't keep this inside
It's time to say goodbye

On the first day that I met you
I should have known to walk away
I should have told you you were crazy
And disappear without a trace
But instead I stood there waiting
Hoping you would come around
But you always found a way to let me down

It's time to say goodbye
(I just don't want to waste another day)
It's time to say goodbye
(Cause things will never be the same)
It's time to say goodbye
(You make me think I need to walk away)
It's time to say goodbye
It's time to say goodbye

After all the things I've done for you
You never tried to do the same
It's like you always play the victim
And I'm the one you always blame
When you need someone to save you
When you think you're going to drown
(Think you're going to drown)
You just grab your arms around me and pull me down

It's time to say goodbye
(I just don't want to waste another day)
It's time to say goodbye
(Cause things will never be the same)
It's time to say goodbye
(You make me think I need to walk away)
It's time to say goodbye
It's time to say goodbye

Now I'm gone
It's too late
You can't fix
Your mistakes
I was trying to save you from you
So you scream
So you cry
I can see
Through your lies
You're just trying to change me
(Trying to change me)

Somewhere in the distance
There's a place for me to go
I don't want you to hate me
But I think you need to know
You're weighing on my shoulders
And I'm sick of feeling down
So I guess it's time for me to say goodbye 

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Thanks 'troublesome boy' really made my day goes around

Thanks for remember and recognized me.....That makes me smile all night! :)

Dan buat 'seseorang'.....
gw harap lo bisa belajar dr smua yg udah terjadi slama 6 bulan kmarin....
jgn ngerendahin org lain dan gak mikir gmana prasaan org tsb...
gw gak butuh temen yang malu buat temenan ama gw....

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