Sing it out,
Boy, you got to see what tomorrow brings.
Sing it out,
Girl, you got to be what tomorrow needs.

For every time.
That they want to count you out,
Use your voice, 
every single time you open up your mouth.

Sing it for the boys, 
Sing it for the girls,
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world.
Sing it from the heart,
Sing it till you're nuts,
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.
Sing it for the deaf,
Sing it for the blind,
Sing about everyone that you left behind.
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

Sing it out, 
Boy, they're gonna sell what tomorrow needs
Sing it out, 
Girl, they're gonna kill what tomorrow brings
You've got to make a choice, 
If the music drowns you out.
And raise your voice,
Every single time they try and shut your mouth.

Sing it for the boys, 
Sing it for the girls, 
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world.
Sing it from the heart,
Sing it till you're nuts,
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.
Sing it for the deaf,
Sing it for the blind,
Sing about everyone that you left behind.
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

Cleaned-up corporation progress,
Dying in the process.
Children that can talk about it,
Living on the webways.
People moving sideways,
Sell it till your last days.
Buy yourself the motivation,
Generation nothing.
Nothing but a dead scene,
Product of a white dream.
I am not the singer that you wanted,
but a dancer. 
I refuse to answer, 
Talk about the past, 
Sir and wrote it for the ones who want to get away. 

Keep running!

Sing it for the boys, 
Sing it for the girls, 
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world.
Sing it from the heart,
Sing it till you're nuts,
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.
Sing it for the deaf,
Sing it for the blind,
Sing about everyone that you left behind.
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

You've got to see what tomorrow brings!
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.
Yeah, you've got to be what tomorrow needs!
Sing it for the world,
Sing it for the world.

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Dreams (2)

I just remember it little....

In my second dream....
That little should I say it....
I like her.....she's cute, innocent, and cheerful.....and yes, she's so familiar...
Is that in past? Or the other 'me'?

And the old man in the storage room...
If I'm not wrong, he's a old man with white hair and white berd.....and little esentrik..
He wore a white a professor....
And I remember, that granpa was angry....he shouted something to me, and like told before, I can't heard him

I told my mother about this dreams....
And you know what?
That grandpa apparently is my mother's a guardian angel, but this one doesn't look like an angel
I don't know why, but I feel happy....
And yet, I don't know why I'm happy....

Little stories
My mother apparently has a supernatural guardian
Sometimes it takes a shape as an old man (the one that I met in dream) or a white lion.
If it's not those two, sometimes my grandfather comes to my mom's dream.
She told me that her guardian is inheritance from her mother's family, because it seems my grandmother's family have supernatural power. That's why my mother can sense 'them' sometimes.

maybe because my father doesn't have those kind of power, I don't really sense them often
Oh, but I have my guardian too. But until now, I don't know what its shape. All that I know, it always protects me. Closing my eyes when I tought I see something that scary, waking me up to do the early morning prayer (it told me something...kind of annoying, but I grateful), and the other things.
Sometime in middle of night, when I can't sleep, I feel presence beside me. It's so comfortable, I tought it was my mom who slept beside me. But I found none.
I think....
I can always go to the front, right?

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Wow, nyokap pulang dr Yogya bawa oleh2 tumben kren2.
Pdhal gw cuman nitip coklat Monggo yg rasa dark, tp ternyata dpt tambahan jg, hehe
Slain 8 btang coklat tsb, gw jg dpt bj batik!
Baju batik yg dbeliin bs dbilang unik.
Yg no 1, warnanya biru, dan ukurannya ngepas di bdan gw, gayanya jg lbih feminim.
Yg no 2, warnanya hijau, ukurannya agak lbih bsar dr yg no 1. Gayanya dong....kyk bj prajurit/jendral!
Persamaan ke duanya, yg jg mrupakan keunikan dr bj batik ini adalah.....keduanya bermodel kyk bj shanghai!
Gw suka baju2 bergaya shanghai ntah knapa (krn agak mendekati gaya Jpang kali yak?).
Haaah....pingin bgt gw pake!! XD

Thanks, ma!! \^o^/

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I had two weird dreams last night....

The first one, it took scene in my junior high school's classroom but in inside...
is my friends from senior high school.
In that dream, everyone've been avoiding me.....even my best friend
But I just shrugg it off....I sat alone in my the middle of class, and I searched for my iPod...but I just can't found it....
Then I told myself....'It's okay....I can do this alone. Beside, I already used being alone....right?'
That dream ended because my mother called me in the middle of night (she was in Yogya at that time).
After I finished talking to my mom, I back to sleep...

My second I say it....It's really weird
in that dream, I was like....chasing something. I was in a car....with some other children. They all sat in behind.
I sat in the front...then I realize, my body was like a 7 or 8 years old. The driver was the man that I knew when I'm still an elementary school, but he kinds of...weird too. Beside me, there's a little girl. A bit blondie, little looks like an american. I'm not sure, but I feel like I've met this girl before.....and I felt comfortable..just sat beside her. She just smiled and sometimes she will rubbed her cheek to mine. When I asked her why, she just smiled and said there's nothing. I kinda like her....
In this dream, I helped her to get in an empty house. Again, I felt familiar with this house. Both of us took 2 music boxes that lied on the table in some room. And then there's a man, bursted in to this room. At that time, I realize....that both that girl and I were a spirit. Of course that man can't see us, but he can hear us...because of the music boxes. I pulled the girl's hand and tried to escape from whoever this man. It seems he noticed, then he called out his underlings. And yes, they can't see us....and can't hear us too....I don't know why, but I jumped from that stairs when the underlings came upstair. When I fell in bottom, I saw the underlings tried to find me. I want to escape...but my body just won't move.....before I know, I was in some room, filled with electronic stuffs and's like a storage room but more dusty
I was alone......I scanned the room, then I saw an old man. At that time, I tought he's scary.....I don't know why though.... Then he told me something, but I can't hear him. Unfortunely, when I want to ask him, I already wake up.

Phew, really weird huh?
Seems like.....this is my weirdest dream that I ever long as I remember, that is....

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