Kagami’s Birthday (side KnSxOC)

Kiseki no Sedai + Momoi + Shiroinaka give Kagami present+happy birthday wish

Kuroko          : Happy birthday, Kagami-kun. Here’s your present from me and Nigou 
                       *hands out box full of burgers
Kagami          : Thank you, Kuroko….but….
                        can you take your dog away from me? *sweating a lot
Kise               : Happy birthday, Kagamichi!! Here’s my present for you!! *hands out a photo album of    Kise Ryouta
Kagami          : Who want this?!!! *throw the book far away
Kise               : Heeeeh? So mean!! *crying
Midorima       : Actually it’s troublesome. But since everyone bugs me off, I guess I can’t help it. Here’s yours. *hands out bunny statue
Kagami          : What the….?
Midorima       : It’s Leo’s lucky item of the year
Kagami          : (still a weirdo…)
Aomine          : Yo, Kagami, let’s have battle 1-on-1! Who lost must treat food until bankrupt! *grinning
Kagami          : What’s the point of you being in here?!!!
Momoi           : Kagamin, happy birthday!! Here’s your present from me!! *hands out a CD album of America band
Kagami          : Wow, is this *****?! How you manage to get it? More importantly, how do you know I like it?!
Momoi           : Kagamin likes to hear rock music, right? Particulary that band. And that CD is a limited item, so you have to go a certain way before get it. That’s why you don’t get it since you’ve to attend basket’s practice.
Kagami          : (Her database is really ridiculous!!)
Murasakibara : Kagamichin, happy birthday~ Here’s for you *hands out a candy from his box
Kagami          : Eer…thanks? (is that box supposed to be my present? *sweatdrop)
Akashi           : Taiga, I heard today is your birthday, right? As present, I’ll be postponing to stab you. *smile evilly
Kagami          : How is that supposed to become a present?! *sweating a lot
Shiroinaka      : Happy birthday, Taiga-kun!! Wish you all the best!! Hmm….since I don’t know what to get for you, I decided to give you this. *hands out a ticket
Kagami          : Wow! Is this a basketball match that everyone have been talking about?! The one that has two strong teams match?! Cool!!
Shiroinaka      : Yup, I got it somehow. Hope you don’t mind go with me. Since I want to watch it too. *smile
Kagami          : Nope, no problem at all!! *smilling widely
                       (…..hmm? why I feel something hot behind me? *turns around slowly)
Kise               : Heeee?! That’s unfair, kagamichi!! I want to go with Shiroichi too!!
Aomine          : Die you bastard!! Who said that you can go with Aika?!
Midorima       : …I don’t think Leo goes with another Leo is a good idea. So you better not thinking about it
Murasakibara : Do you want me to crush you, Kagamichin?
Akashi            : I changed my mind. It’s better if I stab you right now. *pulls out scissors
Kagami           : What the hell?!!! Kuroko, help me!!
Kuroko           : Kagami-kun……please disappear.
Kagami           : Not you too!! *running while being chased by Kiseki no Sedai

And so Kagami’s fate on his birthday….is uncertain (whether he is alive or....)

Little note :
So that's my present for Kagami-kun's birthday! It's been a long time since last I wrote fanfic. (damn laziness...-__-")
Anyway, I don't own any character in this story except 'Shiroinaka Aika', which is my original character.
Little information, she is my OC in my Kurobas fanfic. But unfortunely, I'll not write the fanfic, since it'll be too long and tiresome (again, damn laziness)
Oh well, thanks for reading. :D

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