This is the end......right?

Wow, already,....what, 5 months since last I write in here? Geez, time sure flies fast, doesn't it?

Anyway...I know the title of this post is little off....but it's true
This is the end....of the "other" me....

Maybe I should flashback little...

2 or 3 days ago, I had a dream....
Actually, it was an annoying dream....since it consists some people that I don't want to remember...
But there's one person...that caught my attention...

It's that "troublesome boy"....
True lately I've been thinking about him...but to appeared suddenly, it's just strange.
In my dream, I walked to some place, and I met him.
Of course, my reaction is still the same....I feel scared and try to hide myself....I just..can't look at him...and my heart will beat fast like it want to get out from my chest
And then we passed by....but...something was off....there's something missing
Usually, whenever we pass by or he happen to close to me....I'll sense his 'scent' or his 'aura'
But in this dream....nothing....I don't feel anything....
I feel like....I just...passed...that's all.....
I tried to turn my body so I can see him again...but my body won't moved
And then this terrify thoughs came down to me....
I'm no longer can feel him....
I'm no longer feel the same excitement whenever I see him....
That whenever I feel something like shy to's just me that force myself to feel like that...
I...don't really look up at him...again...

Then when I woke up....I just can cried...
So, that's it.....after 5 years.....finally....I can get over him....
I should be happy, right? I'm no longer feel he is superior than me....

Then why?
Why I feel sad? Why I feel like....I lost something?


Just maybe...

There's some part of me...that want to hold on to this memories....of him...

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