Miracle....maybe? -___-"

Oh yeah, there's something that I forgot to mention in my previous post.
It's just little thing, but if you know me well...you'll know that it's really BIG thing

So, what it is?
actually.....ever since I got to college....I become more...

Trust me, if you happened to be my best friends or actually knew me...it's actuall kinda shocking
I mean...I was tomboy for all my 18 years life. I even swear I'll become tomboy in future too.
It seems....the situation is not like what I expected =___________="

Let me tell you what kind of girl now I am
1. I like shopping...not, actually I love it! Especially if I go with my mother. Try many clothes, check the price tag, buy some new outfits, and many others! I can even go up to 6 hours in mall!! XD

2. I like to hang out. Sadly, in this section I can't really do it often...since my pocket money is limited. -___-
But I love it too! When we girls (Ar, An, and I, unfortunely Sa can't join us) watched the movie in cinema, looked at some clothes, giggled after some cute boys we happened to meet, and just talked! X)
I love too when hang out with my best buddies (Ye and Ra), but some changes are nice. :)

3. I like to try some clothes in my cupboard. Find some new style, list things that I need, and doing fashion show in my room. Totally opposite of me when I was in high school.

4. Now I adapt to new hairstyle. I let my hair fall down straight to middle of my back (usually I tie it up, still actually when I'm in campus). Still not get any bang, because I just don't like it.

I guess that's all the main points.
Let's see in the future, huh? ;)

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