Tiba2 kpikiran
"Don't give me a false hope
Because I already hurt by the fact itself
Don't give me sweet words
If you don't mean it
I'm still waiting for you
So, don't hurt me...don't break me
Because I already hurt by the fact itself
Don't give me sweet words
If you don't mean it
I'm still waiting for you
So, don't hurt me...don't break me
I want to keep this moment last longer
I always happy when I see you happy
I always try to force 'mine' to hide
I always happy when I see you happy
I always try to force 'mine' to hide
So that I can smile honestly in front of you
That's why...don't be sad
I'll always cheer on you
I'll always cheer on you
Let's go to a journey...together"
Oke, ntah gw ksurupan ato gmana, tiba2 gw bs bikin ni literature.
Tepatnya gw (mungkin) bs kpikir gini krn kmarin gw br bc komik game Radiata Stories ama gara2 'mimpi' gw. Ckckck...
Kalo nie post aneh, abaikan aja y. Hahahaha, peace!
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