Based on 'TotA'

Hey, you know what.....
Watching how 'Luke' have been acting at the start of game....kind of reminds me of such spoil, egoistic, selfish brat/boy/bastard.

He thinks so highly of himself....
Well, just because he has one or two great abilities. In his case, he is just spoil rich brat and the next king.

But after the game is progressing,
he is more realising that he wants to change....that's a good thing, indeed

But what I see is.....
Why human....must do something horrible or something that can't be fix realise their own act?
Even though they change, something that can't be undo.....will be permanent forever, right?
Why must have a regret to realise ones own act?

But it's to people that after comitted such a terrible and selfish acts, still not realise it.
That kind of person.......will regret more of what he/she lost

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Wooow, lama banget ya sjak trakhir gw buka nie blog?
Bahkan udah ngelewatin SNMPTN....ckck
dan skrg sdg 'halfway' ke pengumuman...

I must admit, I get "doki doki" just to think about it....

Yaaah, hanya bs mnanti, berdoa, berharap, menunggu, dan mlakukan persiapan....if the worst happen

Dan kt2 nyokap gw jd kyataan lg...
Stelah SNMPTN, gw jd 3/4 zombie. Yep, the stress is killing me slowly
Dan hal yg nahan gw, yg membuat gw masih bs tertawa lg hanyalah:
1. Pergi intensif simak BTA.......dngan bgini, pikiran gw udah sibuk ama blajar dl
2. Bermain dgn tmn2 BTA dan tmn2 yg masih 'contact' ama gw....mrk lah yg bikin gw masih bs tersenyum :)
3. Keluarga, of course.  Terutama nyokap....yg slalu mendampingi gw
4. Main game Tales of The Abyss!!! Dgn bgitu gw bs rewind di otak gw crita2 yg gw buat dl.
Haaaah....Sync is so 'gakoi' >//////<

Well, yg terpenting pikiran gw bner2 pnuh....cuman gak ampe sestress pas sbelum SNMPTN
sbenarnya sie sama aja stressnya -.-"

Oh well...... *shrug

beberapa persiapan udah disiapin....tinggal tunggu hasil nya

May luck always within me....

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